International Business Development Manager
B.A. Faculty of Foreign Studies, Department of English Language and Studies, Sophia University
Professional Background
NEC Corporation and several patent firms in Tokyo
Expertise and Experience
Marketing and public relations, acting as liaison between the firm and foreign firms. Preparation for filing of non-domestic patent applications and translation works.
Before joining Olive in 2016, since 2002, Ms. Saiwai has worked for several major patent firms in Tokyo where she was responsible for marketing and public relations of the firm, management and quality control of the translation group, as well as preparation for filing and prosecution of non-domestic and domestic patents, trademarks and designs applications.
Ms. Saiwai was also a Co-operative Research Fellow at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo, Intellectual Property Law Tamai Laboratory (from 2007 to 2008).
At NEC Corporation where she started her career in 1986, she had more than ten years of experience in Overseas Marketing Group responsible for marketing of telecommunications products such as cell phone systems and cell phones, pagers to Asian countries including Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.